What is my function?
Why am I being contained in me?
Why are energyparticles distributed and contained this way?
The neutrino was first postulated and named neutron in 1930.
It was renamed neutrino in 1934.
A manner of detection was suggested in 1942.
In 1956 dectection was confirmed.
Between 1962 and 2000 three types of neutrinos were discovered (muon, lepton, tau)
The correspondence between the six quarks in the Standard Model and the six leptons, among them the three neutrinos, suggests to physicists' intuition that there should be exactly three types of neutrino. However, actual proof that there are only three kinds of neutrinos remains an elusive goal of particle physics.
A recent re-analysis of reference electron spectra data from the Institut Laue-Langevin has also hinted at a fourth, sterile neutrino.
Recently analyzed data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe of the cosmic background radiation is compatible with either three or four types of neutrinos. It is hoped that the addition of two more years of data from the probe will resolve this uncertainty.
Antineutrinos are the antiparticles of neutrinos, which are neutral particles produced in nuclear beta decay. These are emitted in beta particle emissions, where a neutron turns into a proton... The antineutrinos observed so far all have right-handed helicity (i.e. only one of the two possible spin states has ever been seen), while the neutrinos are left-handed. Antineutrinos, like neutrinos, interact with other matter only through the gravitational and weak forces, making them very difficult to detect experimentally. Neutrino oscillation experiments indicate that antineutrinos have mass, but beta decay experiments constrain that mass to be very small. A neutrino-antineutrino interaction has been suggested in attempts to form a composite photon with the neutrino theory of light.
Because antineutrinos and neutrinos are neutral particles it is possible that they are actually the same particle. Particles which have this property are known as Majorana particles. If neutrinos are indeed Majorana particles then the neutrinoless double beta decay process is allowed. Several experiments have been proposed to search for this process.
The conventional model of neutrino oscillations assumes that neutrinos are massive, which provides a successful description of a wide variety of experiments; however, there are a few oscillation signals that cannot be accommodated within this model, which motivates the study of other descriptions. In a theory with Lorentz violation neutrinos can oscillate with and without masses and many other novel effects described below appear. The generalization of the theory by incorporating Lorentz violation has shown to provide alternative scenarios to explain all the established experimental data through the construction of global models.
Global models are descriptions of neutrino oscillations that are consistent with all the established experimental data: solar, reactor, accelerator, and atmospheric neutrinos. The general SME theory of Lorentz-violating neutrinos has shown to be very successful as an alternative description of all observed neutrino data.
In 1928, Paul Dirac published a paper proposing that electrons have both a positive charge and negative energy. This paper introduced the Dirac equation, a unification of quantum mechanics, special relativity, and the then-new concept of electron spin to explain the Zeeman effect. The paper did not explicitly predict a new particle, but did allow for electrons having either positive or negative energy as solutions. The positive-energy solution explained experimental results, but Dirac was puzzled by the equally valid negative-energy solution that the mathematical model allowed. Quantum mechanics did not allow the negative energy solution to simply be ignored, as classical mechanics often did in such equations; the dual solution implied the possibility of an electron spontaneously jumping between positive and negative energy states. However, no such transition had yet been observed experimentally. He referred to the issues raised by this conflict between theory and observation as "difficulties" that were "unresolved".
Malus sylvestris, the European wild apple, is a species of Malus (crabapple), native to Europe from as far south as Spain, Italy and Greece to as far north as Scandinavia and Russia. Its scientific name means "forest apple", and the truly wild tree has thorns.
« Les poètes latins nous apprennent que la pomme dans laquelle Ève et Adam mordirent avec tant de convoitise, appartenait précisément à cette variété, d'où vient qu'ensuite on lui donna le nom du lieu alors habité par eux, le Paradis terrestre.»
Paradisäpple, eller adamsäpple, är frukten av den på Korfu, Sicilien och i Syditalien odlade Citrus Pomum Adami. Det är omkring dubbelt så stort som en vanlig citron och har mycket tjockt grönt eller blekgult skal med fördjupningar som något liknar märken efter ett människobett. Enligt den judiska traditionen var det denna sort som Adam åt av i paradiset.