This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

27 January 2014

Approximate Voronoi diagram of a set of points.
Notice the blended colors in the fuzzy boundary of the Voronoi cells. With epsilon=0.05 
 An alternative is to use approximate Voronoi diagrams, where the Voronoi cells have a fuzzy boundary, which can be approximated. 
Another alternative is when any site is a fuzzy circle and as a result the cells become fuzzy too.
 Gammelkyrkan restes på bara tre veckor nere vid Särnasjöns strand – exakt 40 år efter det att Särna erövrats från Norge vid kanske världshistoriens fredligast fältslag.
Den byggdes av timmermän från Våmhus och Mora socknar. När väggarna och var uppsatta övergav dessa Morakarlar arbetet och Särnaborna fick själva bygga kyrkan färdigt.
Sockenmannen Israel Eriksson skänkte 1688 en altartavla – nattvarden – som idag hänger på kyrkans västra vägg.

Under senare delen av 1700-talet målades kyrkan vackert invändigt, av Erik och Nils  Wallin från Sveg.
”Väggarna vita och valvet målades med  mörkare himmelsfärger, på vilken himmel synes många skyar”.


The point:
".... Crossing over into the lunatic fringe without going mad can also be achieved in a similar, synthetic manner. All you have to do is treat EVERYTHING as if it was only a metaphor instead of real. Others will still think that you lost your marbles but you will feel calm, collected, and as sane as you've ever been.
So, what happens when you successfully fake your death or speak forever in riddles? I'm guessing that in either case, you've transcended into a realm of weirdness. This realm is the 5-dimensional hyperworld of metafiction. Your identity falls into the public domain where tales are spun and weaved to describe your adventures, your follies, your woes, and your lessons...."

Circle Dot reticle includes a floating circle and a dot in the center.
The circle draws the eye to the target and the dot indicates the exact aiming point.


25 January 2014

Starks Sopborste

24 January 2014

Mars oppositions

SolTech Energy, a Swedish company selling solutions for clean solar power, has developed a unique home heating system contained within roofing tiles made out of ordinary transparent glass. The attractive house-warming tiles (somewhat ironically) give roofs a beautiful, icy appearance quite unlike anything else we’ve ever seen before.

03 January 2014


Its initial performance was only a mild success however and Strauss is reputed to have said "The devil take the waltz, my only regret is for the coda—I wish that had been a success!"

01 January 2014

File:Gray727 anterior cingulate cortex.png
... the brain regions implicated in bipolar disorder, specifically the anterior cingulate...

The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is the frontal part of the cingulate cortex, which resembles a "collar" surrounding the frontal part of the corpus callosum.
It appears to play a role in a wide variety of autonomic functions, such as regulating blood pressure and heart rate... It is also involved in rational cognitive functions, such as reward anticipation, decision-making, empathy, impulse control, and emotion.

A typical task that activates the ACC involves eliciting some form of conflict within the participant that can potentially result in an error.
One such task is called the Eriksen flanker task and consists of an arrow pointing to the left or right, which is flanked by two distractor arrows creating either compatible (<<<<<) or incompatible (<<<>>) trials. Another very common conflict-inducing stimulus is the Stroop task (Pardo et al., 1990), which involves naming the color ink of words that are either congruent (RED written in red) or incongruent (RED written in blue). Conflict occurs because people’s reading abilities interfere with their attempt to correctly name the word’s ink color. A variation of this task is the Counting-Stroop, during which people count either neutral stimuli (‘dog’ presented four times) or interfering stimuli (‘three’ presented four times) by pressing a button...
Many studies attribute specific functions such as error detection, anticipation of tasks, attention, motivation, and modulation of emotional responses to the ACC.

A... study suggests that people’s ability to distinguish between what really happened and what was imagined may be determined by the presence of a fold at the front of the brain that develops late in pregnancy, and is missing entirely in 27% of people.
The key brain structure identified by the study is called the paracingulate sulcus (PCS), a fold in part of the prefrontal cortex, the region that is involved with planning, thought and judgment. The size of the PCS varies greatly in normal people, and some people have a PCS only on one side of their brain, while others have one on both.
... studies like this cannot determine whether having a small or absent PCS causes difficulties with reality recognition memories, or whether the effect works the other way around.

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