This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

18 October 2017

On White Holes
In my search for accessible existant explanations of what a WHITE HOLE is, in this text [] was a most helpful metaphor to help me explain better the obvious importance of our capacity for willing and consequently bringing into existence... almost whatever...
The metaphor that is here used to disprove the connections and therefor the existance of WHITE HOLES can easy connect to and prove our everyday natural reliance on belief, trust, faith, hope, expectation... the way life has developed and is continually evolving according to our conscious WILL guiding our subconscious and superconscious to follow...

As my good friend and sometimes Guide to Space contributor, Dr. Brian Koberlein says, "If you start with five cupcakes and start giving them away, you eventually run out. At that point you can't give away any more. In this case you can't count down past zero. Sure, you can hand out slips of paper with "I O U ONE cupcake." written on them, but it would be ridiculous to use the existence of negative numbers to claim that "negative cupcakes" exist and can be handed out to people."

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Mark Cidade was working with a project that he named A White Hole that I tried to understand.

"If you start with five cupcakes and start giving them away, you eventually run out. At that point you can't give away any more. In this case you can't count down past zero. Sure, you can hand out slips of paper with "I O U ONE cupcake." written on them, but it would be ridiculous to use the existence of negative numbers to claim that "negative cupcakes" exist and can be handed out to people."

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As my good friend and sometimes Guide to Space contributor, Dr. Brian Koberlein says, "If you start with five cupcakes and start giving them away, you eventually run out. At that point you can't give away any more. In this case you can't count down past zero. Sure, you can hand out slips of paper with "I O U ONE cupcake." written on them, but it would be ridiculous to use the existence of negative numbers to claim that "negative cupcakes" exist and can be handed out to people."

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If there were created after the Big Bang, they might get around to decaying and exploding as white holes any day now. Except, according to Stephen Hawking, they would have already evaporated.
Another interesting idea put forth by physicists, is that a might explain the Big Bang, since this is another situation where a tremendous amount of matter and energy spontaneously appeared.
In all likelihood, white holes are just fancy math. And since fancy math rarely survives contact with reality, white holes are probably just imaginary.

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08 October 2017

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Daniel and I

2017.10.01 - Pope Francis in Bologna - Meeting with Clergy and Consacrat...

07 October 2017

The 1917 Jewish Publication Society version of the Tanakh (also known as the Masoretic Text)

"Question: "What is the Masoretic Text?"

The Hebrew text of the Old Testament is called the Masoretic Text because in its present form it is based upon the Masora—the Hebrew, textual tradition of the Jewish scholars known as the Masoretes (or Masorites). The Masoretes were rabbis who made it their special work to correct the faults that had crept into the text of the Old Testament during the Babylonian captivity, and to prevent, for the future, its being corrupted by any alteration. They first separated the apocryphal from the canonical books, and divided the latter into twenty-two books, being the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet. Then they divided each book into sections and verses.

There is a great difference of opinion as to when the Masoretic Text was written, but it was probably accomplished in the 10th -11th century. Several editions existed, varying considerably, but the received and authoritative text is that of Jacob ben-chayim ibn Adonijah, who carefully sifted and arranged the previous works on the subject. It was published in 1524.

Although the existing copies of the Masoretic Text date back only to the tenth century, two other important textual evidences bolster the confidence of textual critics that it is accurate. The first is the successive discoveries of manuscripts at Qumran by the Dead Sea since 1947. These revealed portions of manuscripts several centuries older than any previously known. The second is the comparison of the Masoretic text to the Greek translation called the Septuagint (or LXX), which was written around 200-150 B.C. The oldest existing manuscripts date back to the fourth century A.D. Both the Septuagint and the Dead Sea Scrolls reveal an amazing consistency with the Masoretic Text, assuring us that God was indeed divinely and sovereignly protecting His Word through thousands of years of copying and translating." 

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