1: I have lived in Brookings since 1983, and there is lots to do around here. Just this last weekend we had our Azalea Festival, with everything from book and plant sales to beer garden to classic car show, and helicopter rides. Pistol River concerts are great, with acts that are passing through stop by and the audience sits on old couches and you clap so hard your hands hurt. Summer concerts in the park, next to KidTown, and you sit on blankets to hear great music. Azalea Park is the place to get into the Christmas spirit, too, with their annual light show. The kite festival brings people from all over. We have a monthly ArtWalk, with local galleries offering free music and food and oftentimes lectures by the artists. At Christmas time, the bazaar brings out all the crafty people offering food and homemade gifts. We have an extinct volcano to hike into, and trees and plants found only in this location. Ocean and river fishing. Mushroom picking--chantrelles and shaggy mains--clamming and crabbing for Dungenous crabs. The weather here is nice all the time, although we get months of rain (better have some indoor activities planned), but we don't get any rain between June and October, generally. No mosquitoes, except for up the river, where most locals go swimming. You can drive to great hiking in a few minutes. The wilderness areas are pristine, and you can follow the trails for days without seeing anyone. Great library. Closest mall is 2 1/2 hours away, but no one expects you to wear expensive clothes. Jeans and tee-shirts are fine for most events. We are mostly a retirement community, with many really remarkable retirees. Movie stars like to hide here, but don't tell anyone because they like their privacy, and so do we.

The garden club gang was pretty nice to meet. Did a small amount of pruning of the pine trees at that garden by the Chetco bridge for them a couple years back.
We moved from Applegate Valley up to Beaverton, but I get throught there. Going to the redwoods at the end of June. But my campsite will be at Harris Beach State Park where I'll spend afternoons and nights. I get around the town too. If you see the truck and trailer below - that's a clue that I've arrived.
The New York writer Michael Greenberg operates at the intelligent, naked edge of confessional non-fiction, where what others confess is as much fair game as what you bring to the table yourself.
Maybe it means that we should try to "see more" and then "say more" about what we might discover regarding the intricate and often conflicting and contradictory ways we learn to show and recognize the fundamental love between us.
Watch Tower supporters gathered as autonomous congregations to study the Bible and Russell's writings. Russell firmly rejected as "wholly unnecessary" the concept of a formal organization for his followers, and declared that his group had no record of its members' names, no creeds, and no sectarian name.[43] In 1910 he announced that the group would identify itself as the International Bible Students Association.
The publication was started by Charles Taze Russell on July 1, 1879 under the title Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence. The first issue stated as its prospectus:[3]
This is the first number of the first volume of "ZION’S WATCH TOWER" and it may not be amiss to state the object of its publication. That we are living "in the last days" "the day of the Lord" — "the end" of the Gospel age, and consequently, in the dawn of the "new" age, are facts not only discernible by the close student of the Word, led by the spirit, but the outward signs recognizable by the world bear the same testimony, and we are desirous that the “household of faith” be fully awake to the fact, that —
We are living, we are dwelling
In a grand and awful time;
In an age on ages telling
To be living is sublime.
"...the Bible, our only guide on the subject, declares that, "In the last times perilous times shall come, for men shall be lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God."