This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

17 October 2010

Not only does the Rodin´s Solution introduce a new type of processor for computers, its application also enables Rodin to create a new artificial intelligence operating system that replaces the binary code with a new code Rodin calls the binary triplet. Former Microsoft senior researcher, Russell P. Blake, treats the binary triplet briefly in his article, "The Mathematical Formulation of the Rodin Coil Torus", in which he states that the Rodin Torus has perfect mathematical coherence on all six axes and is not only three dimensional, but actually higher omni fourth dimensional. and higher.
With the Rodin Solution, Marko Rodin is able to navigate on all axes of a Rodin Coil Torus, thus resolving the obstacles to creating artificial intelligence by being able to compute multi-dimensionally. Rodin also adds a new factor of polarity to the binary code by using his binary triplet code which is based on the fact that all numbers begin and end at a point. The basis of the binary triplet is Rodin´s binary combinational explosion tree which enables Rodin to map this process through the event horizon of a torus and into the vortex-well singularity where it inverts. No mathematics, other than Rodin´s, can calculate while inverting, since all existing branches of mathematics self-destruct before emerging on the other side of the toroid.
The Rodin Solution harnesses a heretofore unavailable mathematical skill, or language, that takes advantage of number patterns´ six different self-referencing axis configurations over the surface topology of the Rodin Coil´s toroidal matrix, thus enabling the creation of new revolutionary artificial intelligence hardware and software.
Marko Rodins binary-triplet based operating system relies upon the discovery of the Bifilar Doubling Circuit.
Humans by Era Average Lifespan at Birth
Upper Paleolithic 33 At age 15: 39 (to age 54)[7][8]
Neolithic[9] 20
Bronze Age and Iron Age[10] 35+
Classical Greece[11] 28
Classical Rome[11] 28
Pre-Columbian North America[12] 25-30
Medieval Islamic Caliphate[13] 35+
Medieval Britain[14][15] 30
Early Modern Britain[10] 40+
Early 20th Century[16][17] 30-45
Current world average[18] 67.2 2010 est.

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