This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

07 May 2013

Painting by Antonio Vitale

Some Incomplete Story.
SWs darling coactor MC had persuaded the wicked dragon that its best shot at survival was at the zoo.
They had also agreed that the dragon baby was to be brought up properly by MC and SW.

They were about to live happily.
One day the angelic Messenger of Love appeared before SW and reminded her that she and MC were appointed earthly messengers
but that they didnt seem to be giving it much thought.
In fact the MoL had just spoken to MC in his Developed Duck vehicle and he had expressed both surprise and hesitation
on the fact of being SWs counterpart as earthly MoL.

SW, much embarrased, promised to do all she could muster in order to coheir MC into his suitable position.
The MoL gave her the beauty of a flower to seal her commitment.
“Give this flower water. You have until it withers and dies to show that you are up to it”
the MoL announced and departed.

“Please tell MC to come here now. He doesnt answer his phone”
SW called after it.

She hugged the baby dragon and schemed in vain.

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