This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

29 January 2010
Over the next six weeks, hundreds of works by artists both famous and unknown will be dumped in the "Art Bin" at the South London Gallery.
Landy said he hoped the bin would gradually fill up to create "a monument to creative failure"
In 1997, his design for Tate Britain's annual Christmas tree featured a large bin filled with empty bottles, used wrapping paper, broken decorations and dead Christmas trees.
"There will be good artworks going into the bin, but it is up to the artist to decide what failure is."
"I do find myself thinking 'oh that one looks good' but then I have to remember what I'm doing this for."
At the end of the exhibition the bin will be emptied into a landfill site.
"...This character, he thinks it's his last day, it's practically a dream to him. It's surreal, it's hyperreal. Everything is intense, it's ultra-beautiful, he's leaving the planet."

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