- Definition: a person’s awareness of everything that is going on around him or her at any given moment, which is used to organize behavior.
- Opposite of unconscious or semi-conscious!
- Brings varied information to the surface, enabling us to reflect and plan.
- Enables us to exert voluntary control and to communicate our mental states to others.
- Focuses our concentration.
- There is much more to information processing that consciousness.
- Much of what we process is outside our awareness.
- Beneath the surface, unconscious information processing occurs simultaneously on many tracks. (Note parallel processing.)
- It lags behind the brain events that evoke it.
- You consciously experience the decision to move about .2 seconds before you actually move.
- But your brain waves jump about .35 seconds ahead of your conscious perception of the decision.
- Unconscious brain activity precedes conscious awareness of a simple decision preceding an action.
- Brain wave activity jumps just 1/3 second before the person consciously decides to move.
- 2. Consciousness is relatively slow (compared to the unconscious) and has limited capacity.
- 3. Is serial in nature. We can only think one thing at a time.
- 4. Consciousness is skilled at solving novel tasks requiring focused attention.
- Is relatively fast and can run simultaneously on multiple tracks. Parallel processing.
- We can perform familiar tasks automatically.
- Biological Rhythms
- Annual cycles
- 28 day cycles
- 7 day cycles?
- 24 hour cycles
- 90 minute cycles
- Regular body rhythms that occur on a 24-hour cycle.
- Body temperature
- Alertness/thinking
- Energy
- Ultimately controlled by the hypothalamus