This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

11 February 2012
The Norwegian Armed Forces Museum’s own Artist-in-Residence, Morten Traavik, has visited North Korea repeatedly over the last two years. In April this year, he made a tentative agreement with North Korean authorities to develop a series of independent art projects in the years ahead, based on his impressions from North Korean society and culture. The new exhibition ROCK STEADY NORTH KOREA! draws inspiration both from North Korean propaganda aesthetics and Western rock’n’roll iconography and points to possible similarities between two seemingly opposing ideologies. 
'Take On Me' by AHA played by accodeon quintet from Kum Song (Gold Star) Music School in Pyongyang North Corea, brought to Norway by Morten Traavik as part of his project "The Promised Land" project.
Kirkenes, Berents Spektakel 2012, February 10th.
Also filmed in Pyongyang, North Korea in December 2011.

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