13 September 2009
Twentieth-century etiquette demanded that people attending a funeral wore semi-formal clothing, which for adult men would usually mean a suit and tie in dark colours. The most traditional colour, considered to be the most respectful, was solid black, especially for the tie. Nowadays, special dress or behaviour is not required of those in mourning and even the wearing of black at funerals is declining. Most commentators date the association of black clothing with funerals to Roman custom when dark coloured togas were worn during the mourning period
Amongst the colours used to express grief, perhaps yellow, a symbol of decay, is the most common. It was used by the Egyptians amongst others. With it, the native of Central Africa paints his body as a sign of mourning, as the Australian paints himself white and the American Indian with black. In Brittany the widow's cap was of yellow or a light brown--the hue of withered leaves--which is also the prevailing colour in Persia.
Blue or violet is the "doole" of the Turk, the former being used in France and Belgium in connection with the death of a child, as representing not only the celestial blue of the heavens, but also the traditional colour worn by the "Mother of the Saviour" at Golgotha. Violet or purple, with which the Roman soldiers clothed the Saviour as "King of the Jews," is the colour adopted by the Christian Church as a sign of penance and mourning, and with which the pictures and ornaments of the Catholic Church are veiled from Passion Sunday till Easter. Black vestments are, however, used in masses for the dead, and on Good Friday.
11 September 2009
10 September 2009
09 September 2009
05 September 2009
04 September 2009

Madonna of the Pomegranate by Botticelli, 1487 (cropped)

I've got a seedling that popped up under one of the old 'Wonderful' trees back home in AL; dug it up and potted it - it's spent the last 3 or 4 winters in my office, by the window. I've not yet brought it in for the winter, this year - it's probably leafless and near-dormant now; will re-leaf and bloom, but it never sets fruit, even when I tried hand-pollinating - flowers just drop off. It usually gets dried out and defoliates a couple of times during the winter.
I can usually keep it alive, but it typically looks pretty sad by the time spring comes.
Check out Ida Maria’s new blog: OMGthisrocks
Original Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861) Japanese Woodblock print
Sun Lee
Series; One hundred and eight heroes of the popular Suikoden, all told
Tsuzoku Suikoden goketsu hyakuhachinin no hitori
From the private collection of B.W. Robinson
The B.W. Robinson Collection - B.W. Robinson was regarded by curators, collectors and scholars as one of the world's leading experts on Japanese swords and the art of Kuniyoshi. As a museum curator and in his travels abroad, he developed an extensive knowledge of Kuniyoshi's art as well as an impressive collection. He wrote two books on Kuniyoshi that have become the standard texts in the art world on Kuniyoshi's work. After his death in December of 2005, his private collection of over 3,000 Japanese woodblock prints was purchased by private collectors and dealers alike. Among this collection there were a number of rare original Kuniyoshi designs that sold in auction for tens of thousands of dollars. Search the web to find out more about this scholar and his collection, you'll find several excellent articles and press releases.
Sun Lee - Fantastic image of the warrior Sun Lee threatening to cut off an enemy's head, his sword poised at the man's neck as his enemy screams for mercy. He wears a long robe with a design of a monkey and blue peonies, his wild hair flowing around his face. A dynamic print with a bold composition and handsome color.
03 September 2009


IKEBANA is an art, well known all over the world: Flower arrangement. There are various schools including some modern ones, however, the basic principle is always the same: Heaven, the highest point, Earth, the lowest, and Man the center of the arrangement. In contrast to the massing of blooms typical of flower arrangement in western countries, Japanese flower arrangement is based on a small number of blooms.

![]() | ![]() | The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who've Lived the Longest ![]() New York Times Bestseller With the right lifestyle, experts say, chances are that you may live up to a decade longer. What's the prescription for success? National Geographic Explorer Dan Buettner has traveled the globe to uncover the best strategies for longevity found in the Blue Zones: places in the world where higher percentages of people enjoy remarkably long, full lives. And in this dynamic book he discloses the recipe, blending this unique lifestyle formula with the latest scientific findings to inspire easy, lasting change that may add years to your life.
02 September 2009
The circle is such a common shape that we take it for granted ... but there is more to it that just a common shape. Mathematically, the circle is defined as the set of all points that are the same distance from a given point, called the center.
01 September 2009
http://rondomingue.com/2009/01/15/lucida_grande/ I believe I use Ariel. Well, I'll compare the options anew and try to find out which I like more.
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