This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

27 October 2011

Handwritten christmas card with a coloured photo of the Tolkien family, sent by Mabel Tolkien from the Orange Free State to her relatives in Birmingham, on november 15, 1892.

25 October 2011

Umbrellas, by Harold Pinter
Features two gentlemen in deckchairs on the terrace of a large hotel. Wearing shorts and sunglasses. Sunbathing. They do not move throughout the exchange.
A: The weather's too much for me today.
B: Well, you're damn lucky you've got your umbrella.
A: I'm never without it, old boy.
B: I think I'd do well to follow your example.
A: Yes, you would. Means the world to me. I never find myself at a loss. You understand what I mean?
B: You're a shrewd fellow, I'll say that for you.
A: My house is full of umbrellas.
B: You can't have too many.
A: You've never said a truer word, old boy.
B: I haven't got one to bless myself with.
A: Well, I can forsee [sic] a time you'll regret it.
B: I think the time's come, old boy.
A: You can't be too careful, old boy.
B: Well, you've got your feet firmly planted on the earth, there's no doubt about that.
A: I certainly feel secure, old boy.
B: Yes, you know where you stand, all right. You can't take that away from you.
A: You'll find they're a true friend to you, umbrellas.
B: Maybe I'll buy one.
A: Don't come to me. It would be like tearing my heart out, to part with any of mine.
B: You find them handy, eh?
A: Yes ... Oh, yes. When it's raining, particularly.
ASTAR is a fictional golden humanoid robot. The character was created in the 1980s by the Canadian amputee organization The War Amps and is featured in material for their PLAYSAFE program to educate children about safety.
The original televised segment featured a performer in an elaborate costume as ASTAR performing acrobatic stunts in a world full of dangerous machines. After evading various threats such as electrical hazards and moving blades, ASTAR eventually makes a mistake causing his arm to be amputated by a large rotating saw. He then picks up his severed arm and reattaches it with ease. The segment ends with ASTAR giving the warning:
I am ASTAR, a robot. I can put my arm back on. You can't. So play safe!
The above warning is now part of Canadian popular culture for those who grew up in the 1980s. In a 1990s remake of the segment, ASTAR is now an animated CG character, and the warning is altered slightly to
"I am ASTAR, a robot from Planet Danger. I can put my arm back on. You can't. So play safe!"

23 October 2011
Tematisk handler mange av filmene om mennesker som "kommer inn i varmen". Budskapet hadde ofte med samhold, solidaritet og avhengighet mellom mennesker å gjøre, og han hadde gjerne outsidere som hovedpersoner. Han ble fascinert av nettopp dette tema i miljøet rundt Cirkus Arnardo og laget filmen "Cirkus Fandango" i 1954. Arnardo spilte selv sammen med Toralf Maurstad og Joachim Holst-Jensen.
Mellom 1965 og 1967 lager han en trilogi om psykisk utviklingshemmete barn. Han hadde selv fått en psykisk utviklingshemmet datter og ble opptatt av dette temaet. Den første filmen, "Om Tilla", er en slags drømmevisjon om hvordan psykisk utviklingshemmede kan fungere og passe inn i samfunnet.
Den andre filmen i triologien het "Vaktpostene" og handler om institusjoner for psykisk utviklingshemmede som ikke strekker til. Den tredje, "Reisen til havet", handler om utilstrekkeligheten i ettervernet for de som bryter ut av institusjonene. I disse filmene jobbet han med sin andre datter, Synne, i hovedrollen.

22 October 2011

Daughter Wrote

The flowers in the tree
are blooming so eyes can see.
The ripples on the water
get smaller and smaller
As the duck flutters
passed the daughter.
As the frog croaks,
the daughter strokes
In a little row boat
as the daughter wrote.


"I am your creator. You were in my care even before you were born." Isaiah 44:2

Krista Addison

21 October 2011

Mönster :::
Omlottklänning ur Sy till barnen av Elsebeth Gynther.
Tyg :::
Pompeja av Märta-Lena Bjerhagen, för Borås textil. Detta bomullstyg från tidigt 70-tal finns i flera olika färgställningar...
Plus :::
Gynthers omlottklänning är genial i sin enkelhet. Förutom att den är snygg, så är den också perfekt att växa i. Omlottskärningen gör att den först kan användas som klänning och sedan som en kortare tunika när barnet växer.

O V E R V I E W  space time 
It can look like a toppled water glass. With us hanging on the opening curve of the rim. Some of us are probably being washed away right now.

20 October 2011
A steward is an official who is appointed by the legal ruling monarch to represent him or her in a country, and may have a mandate to govern it in his or her name; in the latter case, it roughly corresponds with the position of governor or deputy (the Roman rector, praefectus or vicarius).
From Old English stíweard, stiȝweard, from stiȝ "hall, household" + weard "wikt:warden, keeper"; corresponding to Dutch: stadhouder, German Statthalter "place holder", a Germanic parallel to French lieutenant.
The Old English term stíweard is attested from the 11th century. Its first element is most probably stiȝ- "house, hall" (attested only in composition; its cognate stiȝu is the ancestor of Modern English sty). Old French estuard and Old Norse stívarðr are adopted from the Old English.
The German and Dutch term (Middle High German stat-halter) is a parallel but independent formation (a calque of lieutenant) corresponding to obsolete English stead holder (stede haldare 1456; also stedys beryng (1460), sted-haldande (1375) steadward, steadsman).
In medieval times, the steward was initially a servant who supervised both the lord's estate and his household.
A tributary or affluent is a stream or river that flows into a main stem (or parent) river or a lake. A tributary does not flow directly into a sea or ocean.

19 October 2011

Ms dröm i natt: Hon sitter bredvid Kung Carl Gustaf och Drottning Silvia. Kungen försöker förklara var Karlsruhe är beläget. Han ritar på en serviett.
Karlsruhe was founded in 1715 as Karlsruhe Palace, when Germany was a series of principalities and city states... It therefore considers itself the home of justice in Germany...
Due to similarities to the United States capital city, it has been speculated that Karlsruhe was a model city for the cityscape of Washington, D.C. Both cities have a center — in Karlsruhe the palace and in D.C. the Capitol Building — from which the streets radiate outward. L'Enfant, Washington's city planner, had been given the plans of Karlsruhe (among numerous other European cities) as an inspiration.
According to legend, the name Karlsruhe, which translates as Charles’ repose, was given to the new city after a hunting trip when Margrave Charles III William, Margrave of Baden-Durlach, woke from a dream in which he dreamt of founding his new city.,_North_Dakota

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