This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

28 January 2013

Structures of the human telomeric repeat.
(a,b) Parallel structure from crystal structure, PDB 1KF1. (c,d) NMR structure, PDB 143D. (a,c) Top views. (b,d) Side views.
Guanines are shown in blue, the phosphate backbone as a gold ribbon.

"We need to be open about what its structure is, because it's dynamic."
Shankar Balasubramanian

... the four-stranded DNA arose most frequently during the so-called "s-phase" when a cell copies its DNA just prior to dividing.

Russian DNA Discoveries Proof of 12-Strand DNA Activation Theory?
Different opinions on that:

The genome looks like it is far more of a network of RNA transcripts that are all collaborating together. Some go off and make proteins; [and] quite a few, although we know they are there, we really do not have a good understanding of what they do.

The Encode Project

06 January 2013

Stained glass mural on Alaskan theme: dog sled.
Photo manipulated with GIMP: there is no angle from which to shoot a rectangular image the way this is displayed in the museum.
Photo by Joe Mabel of 1910 stained glass piece originally part of a downtown Seattle storefront, The Alaskan Cigar Store in the original Arctic Club (now Morrison Hotel). This piece is now in Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI), Seattle, Washington, although two other comparable pieces remain as part of the building.
Unknown stained glass artist.
Separate photo of same glass. That one is sharper, and is probably the one that should be used (I got a better camera).

01 January 2013

As Mother Teresa said in her letter to SMI, “Today, Jesus relives his passion in so many who need the help of mental health professionals loyal to Christ and to the Holy Father.” She is telling us that Jesus is suffering with schizophrenia, alcoholism, psychosexual addiction, bulimia, bi-polar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and all kinds of pyschic guilt, shame, panic, hostility and inferiority. And when we see Jesus at the Last Judgement, he will remind us “whatever you did to the least of my brothers and sisters you did to me.”

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