This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

28 July 2009

"Do your work as though you had a thousand years to live and as if you were to die tomorrow."
It is at this point that 'God expels them from Eden', to keep Adam and Eve from also partaking of the Tree of Life. The story says that God placed cherubim with an omnidirectional "flaming sword" to guard against any future entrance into the garden.

adding further that the garden is one of four holy places that the Lord has on Earth, the other three being Mount Sinai, Mount Zion, and the 'Mount of the East' (usually assumed by scholars to mean Mount Ararat)

The Book of Genesis is the primary Scriptural source of information regarding the geography of Eden, but actually contains little information on the Garden itself. It was home to both the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, as well as an abundance of other vegetation that Adam and Eve could eat:

Genesis 2:10-14

A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden, and there it divided and became four rivers. The name of the first is the Pishon. It is the one that flowed around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. And the gold of that land is good; bdellium and onyx stone are there. The name of the second river is the Gihon. It is the one that flowed around the whole land of Cush. And the name of the third river is the Tigris, which flows east of Assyria. And the fourth river is the Euphrates.

In the Sumerian texts, an emissary is sent north through "Seven Gates", also known as Mountain passes in ancient texts. Hebrew lore includes references to Seven layers of Heaven, the 7th being the Garden of Eden, or Paradise. Just beyond the seventh gate, or pass, was the kingdom of Aratta[citation needed]. The region today is bound by a large mountain range to the North, East and South, and marshlands to the west. The eastern mountain region has a pass leading in and out of the Eden region. This fits with the Biblical geography of Eden containing marshlands to the west[citation needed], and the Land of Nod to the east, outside the Garden. Geographically speaking, it would form a "wall" around the Garden, conforming to the definition of the Persian word pairidaeza (paradise) and the Hebrew word gan (garden), both of which mean a "walled garden or park". Additionally, this location would be bound by the four biblical rivers to the West, Southwest, East and Southeast.

"Paradise" (Hebrew פרדס PaRDeS) used as a synonym for the Garden of Eden shares a number of characteristics with words for 'walled orchard garden' or 'enclosed hunting park' in Old Persian. The word "paradise" occurs three times in the Old Testament, but always in contexts other than a connection with Eden: in the Song of Solomon iv. 13: "Thy plants are an orchard of pomegranates, with pleasant fruits; camphire, with spikenard"; Ecclesiastes 2. 5: "I made me gardens and orchards, and I planted trees in them of all kind of fruits"; and in Nehemiah ii. 8: "And a letter unto Asaph the keeper of the king's orchard, that he may give me timber to make beams for the gates of the palace which appertained to the house, and for the wall of the city, and for the house that I shall enter into. And the king granted me, according to the good hand of my God upon me." In the Song of Solomon, it is clearly "garden;" in the second and third examples "park."

Friday, January 06, 2006

The Gateless Gate

When asked about the path of practice, Buddha explained that there are four ways for spiritual life to unfold. The first way is quickly and with pleasure. In this, opening and letting go come naturally, like an easy birth, accompanied by joy and rapture. The second way is quickly but painfully. On this path we might face a near-death experience, an accident, or the unbearable loss of someone we hold dear. This path passes through a flaming gate to teach us about letting go. The third form of spiritual progress is gradual and accompanied with pleasure. In this way, opening and letting go happen over a period of years, predominantly with ease and delight. The fourth and most common path is also slow and gradual, but takes place predominantly through suffering. Difficulty and struggle are a recurrent theme, and through them we gradually learn to awaken.

In this matter we do not get to choose. Our unfolding is a reflection of the pattern of our lives, which are sometimes described as "our fate" or "our karma". No matter the apparent speed, we are simply asked to give ourselves to the process. It is like being in a small rowboat on the ocean. We row, but there is also a larger current; we may continually head east, but cannot know how far we have gone. The question of distance and time however, is one that arises only at the beginning. It does not matter how far we think we have gone. It is our willingness to open radically and repeatedly, just now that characterizes this journey.

It is easy to get caught in the notion that there is a goal, a state, a special place to reach in spiritual life. Accounts of extraordinary experiences can create ideas of how our own lives should be, and lead us to compare ourselves with others. In Tibet one famous yogi had lived for years practicing ardently in a mountain hut supported by the villagers below. Then one festival day he heard that all his supporters were going to visit him. The yogi carefully swept his hut, polished the offering bowls on the alter, made a special offering, and cleaned his robes. Then he sat back and waited but an unease came over him. Who was he trying to be? Finally he got up, scooped up several handfuls of dirt, and threw them back onto the alter. Those handfuls of dirt were said to be his highest spiritual offering.

The ultimate end of the koans might be seen in the following story, a bit of modern Zen humor regarding a disciple who sent his master faithful accounts of his spiritual progress. In the first month, the student wrote, "I feel an expansion of consciousness and experience oneness with the universe." The master glanced at the note and threw it away.

The following month, this is what the student had to say: "I finally discovered that the Divine is present in all things." The master seemed disappointed.

In his third letter the disciple enthusiastically explained, "The mystery of the One and the many has been revealed to my wondering gaze." The master yawned.

The next letter said, "No one is born, no one lives, no one dies, for the self is not." The master threw up his hands in despair.

After that a month passed by, then two, then five, then a whole year. The master thought it was time to remind his disciple of his duty to keep him informed of his spiritual progress. The disciple wrote back, "I am simply living my life."

When the master read that he cried, "Thank God. He's got it at last."
  • Other sensory and motor symptoms may include: the feeling of cranial pressures, the perception of inner sounds, experiences of inner lights, vibrating or tickling sensations in the lower back, tachycardia (rapid heart rate), changes in breathing, spontaneous bodily movements, sensations of heat or cold moving through the body, localized bodily pain that starts and stops abruptly, vibrations and itching under the skin, and unusual, or intense, sexual sensations.
  • Mental and affective symptoms include: fear, anxiety, depersonalization, intense positive or negative emotions, spontaneous slowing or speeding of thoughts, spontaneous trance states, experiencing oneself as larger than the physical body, and experiences of paranormal consciousness.
Om man blandar med 50% balsamterpentin ska det stelna efter 6 månader. Använder man bara rå linolja och mättar helt kan det bubbla ut olja flera år efter när solen ligger på. Det behövs syre inne i virket om det ska stelna, därför balsamterpentin.
Jag gillar inte att andas in för mycket balsamterpentin så jag brukar ha det 50% i början ett tag och sedan bara rå linolja. Första svängen brukar jag ha lite Intertox i också.

Ja olja dagligen. Att man brukar olja in den på hösten beror nog på att det dröjer ett halvår innan den ska i sjön så att oljan har en chans att hinna stelna. En del säger att det är bra om båten är svälld och tät när man börjar olja och det brukar den vara på hösten.


Det är enkelt att vårda och underhålla en träbåt. Allmänt gäller att använda rå linolja och balsamterpentin till impregnering. Mycket och länge. Här gäller att man har en sida, helst insidan, av bordläggningen som är öppen, dvs inte behandlad med något som bildar en tät yta.

För att förstärka träskyddet kan man blanda mer eller mindre andel trätjära i denna olja, särskilt i de sista strykningarna. Andra typer av tillsatser i form av fungicider har vanligtvis begränsad effekt och påverkar oftast linoljan negativt genom oönskad omvandling av den kemiska sammansättningen.

Fortsätter vi med den enkla behandlingen och vill åstadkomma en vattenavvisande ytbehandling på t.ex bordläggningens utsida skall fernissa användas. Ursprungligen är fernissa kokt linolja som efter upprepade strykningar bildar en blank och tät yta. Normalt fordras minst 10, kanske mer än 20 strykningar innan man når dit att ytan är mättad och linoljan kan torka till en fast och hård yta. Under århundraden har fernissan utvecklats från denna denna enkla grund. Syftet har varit att kunna minska antalet strykningar, korta torktiden, öka glansen osv. Tillsatser i form av kinaolja, standolja, används och senare har även alkyder och lösningsmedel tillkommit.

Havsmiljö är en av de tuffaste omgivningar trä kan utsättas för. Fuktväxlingar, temperaturväxlingar, salt, sol, skeppsmask, rörelsekrafter. Det ställer mycket höga krav på de material som kan brukas.

Tätningar av skarvar mellan t.ex bordläggnings- eller däcksplankor, torksprickor, genomföringar och andra hål i skrov och överbyggnader, måste kunna tätas med något som fäster under de mest "vidriga" förhållanden och som tål de rörelser som finns i ett träfartyg. Tätningen får heller inte vara för hård så att den inte kan tryckas ut ur skarven eller sprickan om så fordras.

Ägaren till denna träbåt från 1923 har strukit båten 10 gånger med rå linolja. Oljan har torkat 3 veckor och därefter målats med vår vita linoljefärg 3 strykningar (enligt vår anvisning för utvändig målning) från vattenlinjen och uppåt. Vi fick följande kommentar: "Otroligt dryg färg, jag köpte 2 liter men det gick åt 0,5 liter till 3 strykningar X 10 kvm!"

Mögelrisken uppstår egentligen bara om den oljade ytan lämnas obehandlad i fuktiga miljöer såsom i kölsvin eller rufftak, under däck osv. Jag tycker själv att man skall ytbehandla allt trä i fuktiga miljöer, medan andra föredrar trärent oljat. En linoljad yta i friska luften blir med tiden mattsvart, något man ofta ser i öppna snipor och i sittbrunnar på en del segelbåtar.

Undantagsfallen, då man faktiskt bör späda oljan är:

1 Om man oljar i låg temperatur. Då späder man för att få oljan mer lättarbetad. Ett bättre knep är dock att hålla oljan varm på en liten kokplatta, såsom man gör med tjära och beck.

2 Till första lagret olja på bart trä. Terpentinet löser då upp föroreningar (terpener, olika oxider osv) på träets yta och tillåter oljan att tränga in snabbare. Detta är viktigt på feta träslag som teak. Ett alternativ är att tvätta ytan med aceton eller t-röd innan oljningen.

Ytan skall vara trären. Är ytan nyligen skrapad så har inte så mycket oxider och hartser bildats på ytan, men har den varit exponerad för luft ett tag så kan det vara bra att tvätta den med sprit eller späda oljan med terpentin som nämnts ovan. Man kan olja närsomhelst på året, t o m när båten är nyupptagen och fuktig. Oljan kapillerar in i träets celler och tränger ut vattnet. På vintern värmer man oljan eller späder den för att den skall flyta lättare. Det går också utmärkt att blanda i intertox i oljan om man vill röt- eller mögelskydda träet. Dock förekommer inte röta under vattenlinjen (rötsvamparna behöver luft), så det skall normalt inte behövas utvändigt. Dessutom är rötsvamparna beroende av konstant hög fukthalt, och det är ju just det man undviker genom att impregnera båten.

Oljan skall strykas eller sprutas (helst så "vått i vått" som det är möjligt) tills träet inte suger längre. Första lagret brukar inte tränga in omedelbart, men snart kommer processen igång och då kan det gå fort. Det är inte ovanligt att en gammal torr båt på 7-8 meter suger i sig mellan 50 och 100 liter olja. När mättnaden uppnåtts ligger oljan blank kvar på ytan, och får tvättas bort med t-sprit. Avslutningsvis lägger man ofta ett eller två tunna lager kokt linolja för att bilda ett tunt ytskikt på träet. Detta är inte nödvändigt på en båtbotten, men bör göras på alla ytor som skall fernissas efter oljningen. Även dessa lager avslutas med t-sprit. När impregneringen är klar lämnar man oljan att härda. På vintern - våren så tar det mellan två och fyra veckor. Påbörjar man ytbehandlingen innan oljan är genomhärdad, så finns en risk för "kokning", d v s att solvärmen får ohärdad olja att tränga ut ur träet och bilda blåsor i fernissan/färgen.

27 July 2009

The Martyr or Savior Archetype This archetype is correlated with the unhealthy functioning of the second chakra. This archetype takes full responsibility for his or herself, and often takes on the responsibilities of others as well. However, the Martyr or Savior does not have the inner vitality/security to take time or give energy back to his/herself. This archetype is also called the Savior Archetype because it is related to the “savior complex” often found in the career world of healing and health care. Often those who care most about society in general do not know how to care for themselves as well. The result is that they run ragged- and become the Martyr or Savior. This is directly related to low or dysfunctional energy in the second chakra. The second chakra relates to giving ourselves the credit and energy we deserve, and we do not do that, this chakra can leak energy and cause imbalance to the rest of the chakras. ????????????????????????????????????????????
The Emperor of Empress Archetype: This archetype is correlated to the healthy functioning of the second chakra.
This archetype represents the person who contributes both to the world and to him or herself. I often think of the Empress archetype as the beautiful, productive career woman who also takes the time for herself and enjoys all the beauty and luxuries life has to offer. This archetype is useful in understanding the energy of the second chakra because the Emperor or Empress is vital enough, emotionally healthy enough and is balanced in his/her feelings enough to enable him/her to give generously to the world and give generously back to his/her self as well without feeling guilty.
"I'm way ahead of you"
Adam Cartwright
Children had no duties besides to play, and leisure was very important to the Bushmen. They spent large amounts of time in conversation, joking, music, and sacred dances.
Traditionally the San were an egalitarian society.[14] Although they did have hereditary chiefs, the chiefs' authority was limited and the bushmen instead made decisions among themselves, by consensus, [15] and the status of women was relatively equal
In addition, the San economy was a gift economy, based on giving each other gifts on a regular basis rather than on trading or purchasing goods and services.
The BBC series How Art Made the World compares San cave painting 200 years ago to Paleolithic European painting 14,000 years old. Because of their similarities, the San can help us understand the reasons for ancient cave paintings. Lewis Williams believes that their trance states (traveling to the spirit world) are directly related to the reasons people went deep into caves, experienced sensory deprivation, and painted their visions onto the cave walls.
Spencer Wells' 2003 book The Journey of Man—in connection with National Geographic's Genographic Project—discusses a genetic analysis of the San and asserts their blood contains the oldest genetic markers found on Earth, describing the Bushmen as a type of "genetic Adam". While the Bushmen's Y-chromosomal DNA haplogroup (type A) is one of the oldest, it is different than the Y-chromosome haplogroup that is the least common denominator for the rest of humanity (type BT). Therefore, the Bushmen likely represents the oldest existing population, but it is one divergent from the rest of humanity and not a sole common ancestor. Genetic markers present on the y chromosome are passed down through thousands of generations in a relatively pure form. The documentary continues to trace these markers throughout the world, demonstrating that all of humankind can be traced back to the African continent and that the San are the oldest, most genetically unadulterated, remnant of humankind's ancient ancestors. More recent analysis suggests that the San may have been merely isolated from other original ancestral groups and then rejoined at a later date, re-mixing the human gene pool.
"The Magic Theatre for Madmen Only" in Steppenwolf by Herman Hesse 1927

cause (someone) to become insane
throw (something) into confusion; cause to act irregularly
archaic: intrude on; interrupt
literally: 'move from orderly rows'

22 July 2009

Truth is something desperate – and she's got it
Brick talking about Maggie
Cat On A Tin Roof
Tennesse Williams

What should you do if you don’t want to be ill? The reason for the appearance of various diseases is that people use just one type of breath instead of three (deep, chest breath, and breath on the surface). But every type of breath carries out the energetic massage of a definite group of organs. Naturally the other organs become more vulnerable to the appearance of various diseases, because they do not receive the important level of the energetic “food” they need and don’t fulfill the normal substance change. Executing the proposed exercises with the breath, you are able to take all the organs into the process of metabolism, and as a result eliminate energetic disharmony in the constitution.

Exercise #1: “Deep breath”
The deep breath has a great influence on the abdominal cavity like a peculiar massage, thus it prevents the appearance of the diseases of the stomach, duodenum, bowels, spleen, kidneys, pancreas, the front segment of the liver and bile.
If you don’t use this type of breath very often, you can later have all kinds of the diseases mentioned above.
Thus, let’s start. Stand still, take a slow deep breath. During the process, thrust out the belly. After you have taken a deep breath, hold your breath for one second and then try to draw your belly in, slowly breathing out. The lengths of the inhalation and exhalation must be equal. Breath after breath increase the length of the expiration and inhalation. Breathe through your nose. The exercise should be executed 20-25 times two to two and a half hours after a meal or on an empty stomach. It makes a good massage of the organs of the abdominal cavity, and relieves emotional and nervous stresses.

Exercise #2: “Chest Breath”
The chest breath greatly influences the energetic zone, which regulates the normal functioning of the heart, liver, spleen, and lung and partakes in the process of formation of the muscles. Besides that, the chest breath prevents the appearance of cold and flu. This exercise also helps to treat allergy and skin diseases.
To execute the exercise stand still, hang your arms and put them aside 5 cm from the body. After that, take a deep breath with the chest. Try to raise the chest as high as possible and to enlarge the distance between the ribs, especially under the arms.
After you have taken a slow deep breath, hold it for one second, then slowly breathe out trying to press the chest to the lungs and to draw it in. The length of the inhalation should be equal to the length of the expiration. Breathe through your nose.The exercise should be executed on an empty stomach or about two hours after a meal. Do this exercise 20-25 times. Try to increase the length of the inhalation and exhalation.

Exercise #3: “The Superficial Breath”
The superficial breath influences the functioning of the cortex, the upper respiratory ducts, eyesight, sense of smell, hearing. It improves the immunity of the constitution, normalizes the functioning of the sexual organs, helps recovery from diseases appearing after depression, nervous stresses and emotional excitement.
This kind of breath relieves tiredness and apathy, improves the intellect and the intuition, increases the capacity for work, and relieves mental tension.
Stand still, take a short breath only by means of maximum rise of the shoulders. Then breathe out immediately and put the shoulders down. During this process, the upper part of the lungs fills up. This is a so-called “massage” for your soul.
The exercise should be executed about 30-60 times depending on the intensity of the phycological loading. It should be made on an empty stomach or two to two and a half hours after a meal, two to three times a day.
This exercise should be executed daily in order to be healthy for many years.

20 July 2009


19 July 2009

Counter Admiral is an Anglicisation of a naval rank found in most navies of the world. This Anglicisation is, however, rarely used, as the rank is usually kept in the original language or translated to Rear Admiral or in the United States, Commodore.

Traditionally the commander of a fleet, the Admiral usually stationed his flagship in the middle of the formation, with his primary deputy, the Vice Admiral, in the vanguard and his second deputy, the Counter Admiral, in the rear, leading the reserve. The reason for the designation was that in the event the formation had to reverse (or "counter") direction, the Counter Admiral would lead it.

In most modern navies, Counter Admiral is generally, although not always, the lowest flag officer rank (in the German navy, for instance, Flotillenadmiral ranks below Konteradmiral).
In Christianity, it is allegoric to: what is beyond time, the spiritual Eighth Day (because the number 7 refers to the days of the week which repeat themselves)

From an early age I felt compelled to read books. Compelled by an internal force as a response to my situation in life or by my personality? Or by the allure of the easy access to other sorts of communications? I’ll never know the whole answer.
I would stubbornly refuse to go skiing with the rest of my family and preferred to stay at home with a book in spite of the guilty conscience that always diminished the pleasure of reading. I remember the scolding my aunt gave me one Christmas for hiding with a book instead of welcoming a visiting friend of hers with a daughter my age. The whole group, including my mother, came to the my hideout and stood there talking for a long time. When they went back to the living room I guess I told them that I would join them later. I didn’t.
The last years I’ve become less and less satisfied with books. Most of them bore me now. Instead I found that the moment I started writing on my own I regained my original fascination for texts.
In the beginning I found a way of limiting my texts by making them into short rhymes. That helped me to find the best words and meanings by a confinement that felt liberating. I guess in a way of similar consequence as the rules of Dogma filming this made me reach a core of truth in a more focused way. Without the distraction and insecurities of the innumerable options that are open.
I mostly use a painting or photograph to go with the verse. I’ve painted since an early age, but even this interest had waned. Now this development of combining images with texts has changed that.
I guess all happened in the right time.
Now I have started a project of combining even more elements into a saga.
I read about a painter who could not write. She had difficulties writing even a Easter postcard... “Happy Easter” – what does that really imply?
I still feel like her but now I so enjoy when finding something that feels right.

Unrealistic ideas?

Not taken seriously?
You might feel better about your ideas if you compare them to mine that are far out of the limit. I no longer tell anyone about them since the distancing looks and forced and humorous comments hurt me and make me retreat even further from these people around me that I really like.
I guess there must be a better way of dealing with such problems.
I guess using DVN might offer solutions.
Best wishes to your CO2 invention and all your other ideas.

The monetary bill for a mania seems to be high for many of us. I heard a bipolar psychiatrist tell about the numerous expensive restaurant dinners she offered her friends during a mania. And sudden flight trip to New York, where she was hospitalized.
Maybe the typical mania spending have a real meaning and purpose. Some meaning that we sometimes forget when we exit this state. The psychiatrist might have realized how important it was for her to be amongst her friends. I know I bought some symbolic gifts to my family disregarding the cost. And things for myself that seemed to give me strong messages.
As if you only care about doing what feel best from your heart at every moment. Not having to always calculate how your future status might be affected by what you choose to do at every moment. Does that resemble the world of a small child? It sure feels good.
Are we not wisely instructed not to worry about tomorrow?

18 July 2009

Asperger's Disorder is a milder variant of Autistic Disorder. Both Asperger's Disorder and Autistic Disorder are in fact subgroups of a larger diagnostic category. This larger category is called either Autistic Spectrum Disorders, mostly in European countries, or Pervasive Developmental Disorders ("PDD"), in the United States. In Asperger's Disorder, affected individuals are characterized by social isolation and eccentric behavior in childhood. There are impairments in two-sided social interaction and non-verbal communication. Though grammatical, their speech may sound peculiar due to abnormalities of inflection and a repetitive pattern. Clumsiness may be prominent both in their articulation and gross motor behavior. They usually have a circumscribed area of interest which usually leaves no space for more age appropriate, common interests. Some examples are cars, trains, French Literature, door knobs, hinges, cappucino, meteorology, astronomy or history. The name "Asperger" comes from Hans Asperger, an Austrian physician who first described the syndrome in 1944.

2009 Hopi Message.

New Moon, Spring is on the way.......
A Message From the Hopi Elders, 2009
You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.
Now you must go back and tell the people that this is The Hour.
Here are the things that must be considered:
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in the right relation?
Where is your water supply?
Know our garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader.
This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold on to the shore.
They will feel like they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.
Know the river has its destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off toward the middle of the river.
Keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.
See who is there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all Ourselves!
For the moment we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.
The time of the lonely wolf is over.
Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

The Elders,
Oraibi, Arizona

This message is submitted by Don Quixote and Amazon.

The goal of the Dogme collective is to purify filmmaking by refusing expensive and spectacular special effects, postproduction modifications and other gimmicks. The emphasis on purity forces the filmmakers to focus on the actual story and on the actors' performances. The audience may also be more engaged as they do not have overproduction to alienate them from the narrative, themes, and mood. To this end, Lars von Trier and Thomas Vinterberg produced ten rules to which any Dogme film must conform. These rules, referred to as the "Vow of Chastity," are as follows: [1]

  1. Filming must be done on location. Props and sets must not be brought in (if a particular prop is necessary for the story, a location must be chosen where this prop is to be found).
  2. The sound must never be produced apart from the images or vice versa. (Music must not be used unless it occurs within the scene being filmed, i.e., diegetic).
  3. The camera must be a hand-held camera. Any movement or immobility attainable in the hand is permitted. (The film must not take place where the camera is standing; filming must take place where the action takes place.)
  4. The film must be in colour. Special lighting is not acceptable. (If there is too little light for exposure the scene must be cut or a single lamp be attached to the camera).
  5. Optical work and filters are forbidden.
  6. The film must not contain superficial action. (Murders, weapons, etc. must not occur.)
  7. Temporal and geographical alienation are forbidden. (That is to say that the film takes place here and now.)
  8. Genre movies are not acceptable.
  9. The final picture must be transferred to the Academy 35mm film, with an aspect ratio of 4:3, that is, not widescreen. (Originally, the requirement was that the film had to be filmed on Academy 35mm film, but the rule was relaxed to allow low-budget productions.)
  10. The director must not be credited.

16 July 2009

Are you move?

will you make it snow?

Edited June 13:

When I wrote this post a month ago I was in a manic state and seeing important signs and deciphering things everywhere.
When I was visiting DAVINCINATION I suddenly saw that the Firefox head and all the tab labels had changed colour from the customary gray to a beautiful sky blue (which lasted only for a few days).
One of my rhymes came to my mind:
I craved another miracle for all mankind.
Some wonders of it all we then might find.
Light snow should fall on every land,
each snowflake as different as every hand.
I immediately connected everything like this:
Some of you at DAVINCINATION had read my rhyme and had the fantastic idea of creating a light snowfall on all web browser heads in every land. You had started with the sky blue and was working on the computer creation of around 13,6 billion different snowflakes (one for every hand).

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