This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

18 March 2012

Morpheus Tethered Test #8 – March 13, 2012
After a series of upgrades, Morpheus conducts a successful tethered test, firing a new engine for 50 seconds and hovering for 40.
Morpheus is a full spacecraft and rocket-powered lander, which demonstrates new green technology, as well as an autonomous landing and hazard detection technology.
Sunspot 1429 Unleashes Two X-Class Flares
This movie of the March 6, 2012 X5.4 flare was captured by the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) in the 171 Angstrom wavelength.
Stay tuned for more from this very active sunspot.

05 March 2012

 Sacred Heart Mirror

Heart inside a Pygmy Right Whale

Black Forest Child's Chair c.1890 

The Origin of the Word Love

The word love was once *leubh, a word used by the Proto-Indo-Europeans approximately five thousand years ago to describe care and desire.
When love was incorporated into Old English as lufu, it had turned into both a noun to describe, “deep affection” and its offspring verb, “to be very fond of”.
One of the earliest uses of love, and its biggest influence, was religion.
Love was used to describe the benevolence and affection of God as well as the affectionate devotion due to God.
From this widely recognized meaning, love began to be used to positively describe instances of affection or acts of kindness.
From Middle English onwards, the most popular meaning for love however was to describe a “beloved person” (1255) – especially one’s sweetheart.
The word love was introduced to tennis from 1742 to mean no score- from the notion of playing “for love”, came the notion “playing for nothing”.

What “love” means from person to person, let alone from century to century, is one of the most varied in the English language.

04 March 2012

The limbic system (or Paleomammalian brain) is a set of brain structures including the hippocampus, amygdala, anterior thalamic nuclei, septum, limbic cortex and fornix, which seemingly support a variety of functions including emotion, behavior, long term memory, and the sense of smell. 
The term "limbic" comes from the Latin limbus, for "border" or "edge".
Some scientists have suggested that the concept of the limbic system should be abandoned as obsolete, as it is grounded more in transient tradition than in facts.

 In recent years, it’s become clear that the unconscious brain is able to process vast amounts of information in parallel, thus allowing it to analyze large data sets without getting overwhelmed. Human reason, in contrast, has a very strict bottleneck and can only process about four bits of data at any given moment. But this raises the obvious question: how do we gain access to all this analysis, which by definition is taking place outside of conscious awareness?
As Michel Tuan Pham (Columbia University) puts it, emotions are like a “privileged window” into the subterranean mind.
Comment: The limbic system (emotions) is the decision weighting system that is tied to subconcious processes.

 The color of the bridge is officially an orange vermillion called International Orange and was originally used as a sealant for the bridge.
It is a color used in the aerospace industry to set things apart from their surroundings, similar to safety orange, but deeper and with a more reddish tone.

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