This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

01 May 2009

"DNA Nano Tracks"
"The tracks on the left are undecorated while the tracks on the right are decorated with streptavidin proteins. This is from (S-H. Park, P. Yin, Y. Liu, J.H. Reif, T.H. LaBean & H. Yan (2005) Programmable DNA Self-assemblies for Nanoscale Organization of Ligands and Proteins. Nano Letters 5, 729-733.) "

Thom LaBean
Duke University

"Polarized microscopy texture of the columnar phase displayed by the partially self-complementary CGCGAATTCGCGTT DNA oligomer. "

Giuliano Zanchetta
University of Milan
Prof. Tommaso Bellini University of Milan
Prof. Noel Clark
Colorado University at Boulder

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