This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

31 January 2010 ...his work was always growing in new—darker, stranger, more wonderfully obsessive—directions. And always, no matter where the stories go (or don’t go), his sentences are so beautiful, and so unlike anyone else’s.
...And so I think we might find fragments of things, much in the way “The Original of Laura” was found.
In 1986, Salinger won an injunction against the publication of a collection of his letters. During the case, which went to the US supreme court, he was asked what he had been working on for the previous 20 years. "Just a work of fiction," he said. "That's all. That's the only description I can really give it … It's almost impossible to define. I work with characters, and as they develop, I just go on from there."
He submitted a number of stories to the New Yorker which were rejected, including one called I Went to School With Adolf Hitler.

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