This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

20 February 2010 Kyrie Eleison The biblical roots of this prayer first appear in 1 Chronicles 16:34 ...give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever...
This is key to fully understanding the Greek Kýrie, eléison. In this respect, the prayer is simultaneously a petition and a prayer of thanksgiving; an acknowledgment of what God has done, what God is doing, and what God will continue to do.
Thousands of starlings wheel over Rome at dusk, creating patterns in the sky
Author :  SASSETTA
Date : 1430-32
Location : Galleria Palatina (Palazzo Pitti), Florence

Herren välsigne dig och bevare dig.
Herren låte sitt ansikte lysa över dig och vare dig nådig.
Herren vände sitt ansikte till dig och give dig frid.

Fjärde Mosebok 6:24-26 enligt Bibel 1917
Översättningen från hebreiska till svenska är problematisk med avseende på tempus. Verben ('välsigna', 'bevara', 'vända sitt ansikte') i den hebreiska texten rymmer i denna framställning dåtid, nutid och framtid i samma ord ('har välsignat/bevarat/vänt', 'välsignar nu', 'kommer att välsigna'), vilket med svenskans verb enbart går att uttrycka i ett av dessa tempus.
The source of the text is Numbers 6:23–27, where Aaron and his sons bless the Israelites with this blessing.
This is the oldest known Biblical text that has been found; amulets with these verses written on them have been found in graves in dating from the First Temple Period, and are now in the Israel Museum, Jerusalem.
Various interpretations of these verses connect them to the three Patriarchs; Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, or to three attributes of God: Mercy, Courage, and Glory.

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