This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

21 August 2010

As I understand Richard Dawson's arguments for his condemnations of religions they could be used against love as well.
Awful things have been done out of love (love for your ancestors, your children, your country...) and being in love resembles being psychotic and logic deserts us.
As for water; if given by a homeopath with a care that heals (in a not scientifically proven way) – why is that so bad? Even if he/she does it for a living.
I believe we inherit the power of love from our ancestors.

But it's up to us to better the ways of expressing and recognizing it.
Our world seems now very fast to transform; mixing cultures, religions and our minds and bodies.
I'm confident that this will lead to much improvements.
It will extract the best from all kinds of sources and this will for sure result in Love Potion No. 1.
I guess I'll stop here.

I'm getting carried away...
‎"Love Potion No. 9" is a song written in 1959.
 The song describes a man seeking help finding love, so he talks to a gypsy, who determines through palm reading that he needs "love potion number 9". The potion causes him to fall in love with everything he sees, kissing whatever is in front of him, eventually kissing the policeman on the corner, who breaks his bottle. In an alternate version of the ending of the Clover's song, they recorded the alternate lyrics: "I had so much fun, that I'm going back again, I wonder what happens with Love Potion Number Ten?"...
Some radio stations banned the song, due to the lyrics involving "Kissing a cop".

Martin Løjing Hægeland  19/9 1861 - 21/7 1937

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