This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

02 September 2010
Suicide has been observed in salmonella seeking to overcome competing bacteria by triggering an immune system response against them.[107] Suicidal defences by workers are also noted in a Brazilian ant Forelius pusillus where a small group of ants leaves the security of the nest after sealing the entrance from the outside each evening.[108] Pea aphids, when threatened by a ladybug, can explode themselves, scattering and protecting their brethren and sometimes even killing the lady bug.[109] Some species of termites have soldiers that explode, covering their enemies with sticky goo.[110][111] There have been anecdotal reports of dogs, horses, and dolphins committing suicide, but little hard evidence.[112] There has been little scientific study of animal suicide.[113]
Three to four decades ago suicide among Indigenous people was practically unheard of. Today the picture is much much bleaker. Suicide rates among Indigenous people is estimated to be three to four times the that of non Indigenous Australians. In some remote communities this number may be significantly higher (Institute of Health and Welfare 2007).
The affective state most associated with a suicide crisis is desperation - a state of anguish accompanied by an urgent need for relief. The fear of emotional disintegration - of lives unraveling, collapsing or falling apart - has been described as greater than the fear of death. For many desperate patients, death seems to be the only way to attain both relief and control.
Also participating were three young women, who had all contemplated suicide in response to bullying of one sort or another. One girl, an anexoric aged 26, whose problems began in middle school when class mates instructed her to lose weight, spoke of the redeeming touch of her father. Her father greeted her home from hospital after she had cut her wrists in an attempted suicide, and for the first in his life embraced her. She said how awkward it had felt at first to be embraced by him, but this silent act made her realise her life was worth living. All three girls concurred with Shinohara that what they all needed was ai o kometa osekkai. Ai o kometa means ‘accompanied by’ or perhaps here ‘inspired by’ love, and osekkai ‘meddling’ or ‘interference’. Shinohara meant by this that parents, school and society should all interfere, demand to know what is going on, but they should do so motivated by love.
... Finland is renowned as the first country in the world to have launched, and scored success with, a state-led suicide strategy. The Finnish project was carried out between 1986 and 1998. During this period, epidemiological research was conducted with a psychiatric method involving the ‘psychological dissection’ of the suicide before his or her death.
The individual, in seemingly hopeless conflict with the
world, decides to end his or her existence in what amounts to a final assault against a society that can no longer be tolerated. In so doing, the person tries to obtain a final revenge on everything and everyone that have caused their feelings of depression. 
In Nunavut, suicide is not an isolated tragedy. As the leading category of reportable death investigated by the Coroner, it is devastating the entire community.
Following the lead of initiatives such as CLEY’s Inuuqatiitsiarnirmut project1, Annirusuktugut regards Inuit Societal Values as an inextricable part of all GN operations. Instilling holistic Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (IQ) philosophy throughout Government activity, and reintegrating it into the larger Nunavut society, is essential.
The values observed in this strategy are:
Inuuqatigiitsiarniq• - Respecting others, relationships and caring for people
Tunnganarniq• - Fostering good spirits by being open, welcoming and inclusive
Pijitsiraniq• - Serving and providing for family and the community
Aajiiqatigiiniq• - Decision making through discussions and consensus
Pilimmaksarniq/Pijariuqsarniq• - Development of skills through practice and action
Piliriqutigiinniq/Ikajuqtigiinniq• - Working together for a common cause
Qanuqtuurniq• - Being innovative and resourceful
Avatittinnik Kamtsiarniq• - Respect and care for the land, animals and the environment

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