This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

16 December 2010
... the Sutra introduces what it calls "the most wonderful / the unsurpassed great Law": In the past at Varanasi/ you turned the wheel of the Law of the Four Noble Truths/ , making distinctions/ preaching that all things are born and become extinct,/ being made up of the five components/ Now you turn the wheel of the most wonderful/ the unsurpassed great Law/.This Law is very profound and abstruse;/ there are few who can believe it/ Since times past often we have heard/ the World-Honored One's preaching,/ but we have never heard/ this kind of profound, wonderful and superior Law./ Since the World-Honored One preaches this Law,/ we all welcome it with joy.
Because the Buddhas guard and keep them in mind.
They will be able to bring joy to the great assembly.
If one stays close to the teachers of the Law
he will speedily gain the bodhisattva way.
By following and learning from these teachers
he will see Buddhas as numerous as the Ganges sands.
Nichiren, whose teachings were based on the Lotus Sutra, stated in his letter "Comparison of the Lotus and Other Sutras" that the doctrine of the Four Noble Truths was expounded especially for the Voice-Hearers or Sravaka disciples, while the Lotus Sūtra was taught equally for all.[10]

Here in Lapland we are also fortunate, as Evan was, to sometimes see a snowy owl.
“The Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) is a large owl of the typical owl family Strigidae. The bird is also known in North America as the Arctic Owl, Great White Owl... or Harfang*.
For the Ogala Sioux Indians, the snowy owl represents the North and the north wind.They also were admired and respected by the tribe; in fact, warriors that excelled in combat wore a cap of owl feathers to symbolize their bravery.” Wikipedia
*The name harfang (harfång) is an old Swedish name of the snowy owl. It means ‘the owl who catches hares’.
Some related fiction:
The wizard Harfang Longbottom in H. Potter,
Harfang was the castle of the Gentle Giants of the far north in Narnia.
The king and queen are snowy owls in ‘Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole’.
Here are pictures:
Ibland kan en nedskriven essä få läsaren att längta efter en ännu oskriven. I sitt lantliga hem läser Brusewitz en nyårsafton Adolf Törneros vid skenet från ett stearinljus, sedan elektriciteten slagits ut av ett snöoväder. Enligt Brusewitz ansåg denne originelle latinprofessor i det tidiga 1800-talets Uppsala "att man inte kan bedöma nedskrivna tankar och infall utan att veta mot vilket väder de projicerats"
Och i förbifarten kan Brusewitz meddela att fjällugglan på franska heter harfang - ett direkt lån av den gamla svenska ugglebenämningen harfång.
Suzette Sommer:

"Average people everywhere just want to live in peace and prosperity with their families and friends. They have zero urge to war.
Our so-called leaders of politics, society, religion and commerce have let the world down.
My excitement and hope is through the internet and things like FB and youtube and skype.
Never before have we as individuals had such power to increase our personal footprint in such a massive way.
We have transcended time and space.
What will each of us do with this opportunity?
I have made friends around the world, and am especially thankful for a small group of conservative Muslims, mostly Pakistani, and for the in depth, ongoing conversations we are having, learning from and about each other.
I've told them that there are enough Americans for every Pakistani to have two American FB friends.
When enough of us are broadly enough connected, and have genuine conversations, war and bad behavior will be very tough to pull off.
Our leaders will wake up to a push towards peace and a resistance towards war.
We will defend our friends, not let others define them as our enemies.
We will coordinate to create solutions worldwide, as so many people I know are already doing.
We are now able to find each other, anywhere.
Each one of us radiates an influence, varying in extent, but everyone of us has a circle we touch.
What do we bring to our circle, and how do we expand it in meaningful, helpful ways?
So many possibilities, so much opportunity."

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