This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

28 August 2011 
“I believe that consciousness is, essentially, the way information feels when being processed.”
The Polytopia project is a very ambitious project and in many respects still in its embryonic stage, however already at this early stage it is becoming clearer and clearer that the most salient point of interest is the crucible of the Polytopian Philosophy, namely the idea that in the coming future, where (and when) virtualities mesh into expanded realities, nucleic identity will be replaced by fluid affinities...
Simply put fluid affinities are nested flows of preferences.
Nested flows of preferences assume that our minds have evolved an adaptive procedure to consider a vector of interest as an independent flow within a flow. These are nested in as much as narratives are interdependent and co-extensive with all other narratives; the nesting in this case is fractal like and merges dimensions of existence within each other.
A vector of interest represents a direction of motion of interest within a larger framework we may tentatively call a phase space of possible engagements...
When a number of vectors of interests converge unto a particular infocology and start intersubjectively iterate their structure, a new state of affairs emerges, and this freshly emergent state is called affinity.
Affinity is a term we use to ambiguously describe (and not define) within a polytopia the manner by which similarities of (vectors) interest reflect one another and combine to create a larger and quite different kind of intelligence, a combined interactive intelligence.
Fluid affinities if so are motions of correlativity between different combinations of vectors of interests, which stand for the multiple points of entry of our multiplicity of identities in their process of ‘dance’.

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