This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

07 June 2012

Neurons are only capable of communicating in one of two ways, either by firing or by not firing. This is very similar to the 1 (fire) and 0 (don't fire) familiar to binary code. Any time the brain sends information, a series of related neurons fire, while those unrelated do not. The central nervous system receives the commands and relays them to perform the appropriate function.
My view of the world around me is drastically varied based on my unique place in the universe in comparison to others. The experience of consciousness also changes based on the neurological network in an individual's brain. Since all of our brains are "wired" differently, our perception of the world around us is different.
External forces can play a huge part of what shapes our view of the world.
"Reality" is not a constant, as the processors of "reality" (our brains) vary according to circumstance.
At what point is this data being shredded and pieced together if there is nothing to be rearranged?
data is constantly being sent and received throughout the body, with some of this information not being processed as intended. Such a genetically programmed misinterpretation of data could be the source of all neurological disorders, as the "message" received will never be the "message" sent.
Have you ever wondered why there are two halves to the brain? Children with one malformed brain hemisphere, live a normal life when surgeons remove the defective half of the brain. Also, in cases of severe schizophrenia, the connection between the two hemispheres of the brain is severed and they are separated so that they don't "think together." This is a form of cure for schizophrenia.

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