This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

09 August 2012

- When a patient comes to your query, how find out what is your condition?
- Looking at how he moves, his posture, the way they look. No need to talk to me or tell me what's wrong. An experienced doctor of Tibetan medicine, the patient only to approach him about 10 meters, can know what ailment suffers.

- But listen to the pulses.
- So I get the information I need from the patient's health. With the reading of the pulse rate can be diagnosed by 95% of diseases, including psychological. The information given is strictly as a computer. But read requires much experience.

- And then, how cure?
- With your hands, eyes, and prepared from plants and minerals.

- According to Tibetan medicine, what is the origin of diseases?
- Our ignorance.

- Well, forgive mine, but what do you mean by ignorance?
- Do not know do not know. Do not see clearly. When you see clearly, you have to think about. When you do not see clearly put thought in motion. And the more we think, the more ignorant we are and create more confusion.

- How I can be less?
- I'll give a very simple method: practicing compassion. It is the easiest way to reduce your thoughts. And love. If you want a real person, that is, if you do not want it just for you, increase your compassion.

- What problems seen in the West?
- Fear. Fear is the murderer of the human heart.

- Why?
- Because in fear is impossible to be happy and make others happy.

- How to deal with fear?
- With acceptance. Fear is the unknown resistance.

- And as a physician, what body part is most problems?
- The column in the bottom of the column you sit too long in one position. Vitally, you have too much rigidity.

- We have many problems.
- We believe we have many problems, but really our problem is that we do not.

- What do you mean?
- That we have become accustomed to a level of basic needs met, so that any small disappointment seems a problem. Then activate the mind and began to spin round and round and fix it.

- Any recommendations?
- If the problem has a solution, is no longer a problem. If not, either.

- What about the stress?
- To avoid this, it is best to be crazy.

- ...?
- It's a joke. No, not as a joke. I mean to be or appear normal on the outside and inside to be mad: the best way to live.

- What is your relationship to your mind?
- I am a normal person, that is that I often think. But I have trained the mind. That means do not follow my thoughts. They come, but do not affect my mind or my heart.

- You laugh often.
- When someone laughs, opens his heart. If you open your heart, it is impossible to have a sense of humor. When we laugh, everything is clear. It is the most powerful language: it connects us to each other directly.

- Also just released a CD of mantras with an electronic base for Western audiences.
- Music, Mantras and energy of the body are the same. As laughter, music is a great channel to connect to the other. Through it, we can open up and transform us: that we use in our tradition.

- What would you like to be?
- I would be prepared for death.

- Is that all?
- The rest does not matter. Death is the most important thing in life. I think I'm ready. But before death, we must deal with life. Every moment is unique. If we give meaning to our lives, we will come to death with inner peace.

- We live here back to the death.
- Mantenéis death in secret. Until that one day of your life that is no longer a secret: you can not hide you.

- And life, what's the point?
- Life has meaning, and no. Depends on who you are. If you really live your life, then life has meaning. We all have life, but not everyone lives it. Everyone has the right to be happy, but we have to exercise that right. If not, life is meaningless.

via Buscadores de la Verdad

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