This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

05 May 2013

Sören Kirkegaard föddes för 200 år sedan

"Would you not rather have a peach?" asked 
Goat. "For that won't take as long." 

"Yes," said the Little Harp, "I believe I would 
rather have a peach." 

So he ate the peach on the spot, seed, fuzz, 
and all, and Goat asked him with the last swal- 
low, "What next?" 

"Next I would like a girl, kidnaped and 
brought to my door here," said Little Harp. "But 
I dare say you will not know where to find one/ 1 

"I have no kidnaped girl with me," said Goat, 
"but I have one in my mind. How soon do you 
want her?" 

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