This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

29 April 2017

A SOLUTIONAL SKETCH POST IN PROGRESS that I intend to develop further.
ive not included any of my proposals for solution yet.
Can you figure out what Im driving at?
First I saw a crane (that I had to remind myself the english word for) flying close past my bedroom window.
The search for swedish 'trana' in english opened in ...
OBSERVE the translation from (earlier used language) portugese into 'trance*. What Im doing here Im doing as in an important trance state of mind. Very focused.
Then I checked the english word that I originally searched for which is 'crane' (also meaning something like something that lifts something...)
En ofta upprepad myt, som bland annat beskrivs av Plinius den äldre var att tranan var en pliktskyldig fågel, och den beskrivs likt en soldat, och när flocken skulle sova så ställdes alltid en trana på vakt som fick hålla en sten. Om tranan somnade tappade den stenen och skulle på så sätt väcka sig själv. Denna myt motsägs av Aristoteles i hans Historia Animalium men istället menar han att fågeln inne i kroppen bär på en sten som ballast och om de spyr upp den så är det en sten som kan förvandla saker till guld, likt de vises sten.

"[Verse 1]
I tried to drink it away
I tried to put one in the air
I tried to dance it away
I tried to change it with my hair

[Verse 2]
I ran my credit card bill up
Thought a new dress would make it better
I tried to work it away
But that just made me even sadder

[Verse 3]
I tried to keep myself busy
I ran around in circles
Think I made myself dizzy
I slept it away, I sexed it away
I read it away

[Refrain 1]
Away, away, away, away, away
Away, away, away, away, away

[Hook 1]
Well it's like cranes in the sky
Sometimes I don't wanna feel those metal clouds
Yeah, it's like cranes in the sky
Sometimes I don't wanna feel those metal clouds

[Verse 4]
I tried to run it away
Thought then my head be feeling clearer
I traveled 70 states
Thought moving round make me feel better

[Verse 5]
I tried to let go my lover
Thought if I was alone then maybe I could recover
To write it away or cry it away
Don't you cry baby

[Refrain 1]
Away, away, away, away, away
Away, away, away, away, away

[Hook 2]
But it's like cranes in the sky
Sometimes I don't wanna feel those metal clouds
Yeah, it's like cranes in the sky
Sometimes I don't wanna feel those metal...

[Refrain 2]
Away, away, away, away, away
Away, away, away, away, away
Away, away, away, away, away
Away, away, away, away, away
Away, away, away, away, away
Away, away, away, away, away"


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