This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

16 June 2009

will you make it snow?

Edited June 13:

When I wrote this post a month ago I was in a manic state and seeing important signs and deciphering things everywhere.
When I was visiting DAVINCINATION I suddenly saw that the Firefox head and all the tab labels had changed colour from the customary gray to a beautiful sky blue (which lasted only for a few days).
One of my rhymes came to my mind:
I craved another miracle for all mankind.
Some wonders of it all we then might find.
Light snow should fall on every land,
each snowflake as different as every hand.
I immediately connected everything like this:
Some of you at DAVINCINATION had read my rhyme and had the fantastic idea of creating a light snowfall on all web browser heads in every land. You had started with the sky blue and was working on the computer creation of around 13,6 billion different snowflakes (one for every hand).
I don't remember why the post was titled Are you move? I started writing something else, but a spelling error took on some hidden meaning and it came out that way.
I was immensely happy. Then disappointed when nothing was "true".
Now the "idea" itself makes me happy.

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