This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

22 July 2009

What should you do if you don’t want to be ill? The reason for the appearance of various diseases is that people use just one type of breath instead of three (deep, chest breath, and breath on the surface). But every type of breath carries out the energetic massage of a definite group of organs. Naturally the other organs become more vulnerable to the appearance of various diseases, because they do not receive the important level of the energetic “food” they need and don’t fulfill the normal substance change. Executing the proposed exercises with the breath, you are able to take all the organs into the process of metabolism, and as a result eliminate energetic disharmony in the constitution.

Exercise #1: “Deep breath”
The deep breath has a great influence on the abdominal cavity like a peculiar massage, thus it prevents the appearance of the diseases of the stomach, duodenum, bowels, spleen, kidneys, pancreas, the front segment of the liver and bile.
If you don’t use this type of breath very often, you can later have all kinds of the diseases mentioned above.
Thus, let’s start. Stand still, take a slow deep breath. During the process, thrust out the belly. After you have taken a deep breath, hold your breath for one second and then try to draw your belly in, slowly breathing out. The lengths of the inhalation and exhalation must be equal. Breath after breath increase the length of the expiration and inhalation. Breathe through your nose. The exercise should be executed 20-25 times two to two and a half hours after a meal or on an empty stomach. It makes a good massage of the organs of the abdominal cavity, and relieves emotional and nervous stresses.

Exercise #2: “Chest Breath”
The chest breath greatly influences the energetic zone, which regulates the normal functioning of the heart, liver, spleen, and lung and partakes in the process of formation of the muscles. Besides that, the chest breath prevents the appearance of cold and flu. This exercise also helps to treat allergy and skin diseases.
To execute the exercise stand still, hang your arms and put them aside 5 cm from the body. After that, take a deep breath with the chest. Try to raise the chest as high as possible and to enlarge the distance between the ribs, especially under the arms.
After you have taken a slow deep breath, hold it for one second, then slowly breathe out trying to press the chest to the lungs and to draw it in. The length of the inhalation should be equal to the length of the expiration. Breathe through your nose.The exercise should be executed on an empty stomach or about two hours after a meal. Do this exercise 20-25 times. Try to increase the length of the inhalation and exhalation.

Exercise #3: “The Superficial Breath”
The superficial breath influences the functioning of the cortex, the upper respiratory ducts, eyesight, sense of smell, hearing. It improves the immunity of the constitution, normalizes the functioning of the sexual organs, helps recovery from diseases appearing after depression, nervous stresses and emotional excitement.
This kind of breath relieves tiredness and apathy, improves the intellect and the intuition, increases the capacity for work, and relieves mental tension.
Stand still, take a short breath only by means of maximum rise of the shoulders. Then breathe out immediately and put the shoulders down. During this process, the upper part of the lungs fills up. This is a so-called “massage” for your soul.
The exercise should be executed about 30-60 times depending on the intensity of the phycological loading. It should be made on an empty stomach or two to two and a half hours after a meal, two to three times a day.
This exercise should be executed daily in order to be healthy for many years.

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