This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

19 July 2009

Unrealistic ideas?

Not taken seriously?
You might feel better about your ideas if you compare them to mine that are far out of the limit. I no longer tell anyone about them since the distancing looks and forced and humorous comments hurt me and make me retreat even further from these people around me that I really like.
I guess there must be a better way of dealing with such problems.
I guess using DVN might offer solutions.
Best wishes to your CO2 invention and all your other ideas.

The monetary bill for a mania seems to be high for many of us. I heard a bipolar psychiatrist tell about the numerous expensive restaurant dinners she offered her friends during a mania. And sudden flight trip to New York, where she was hospitalized.
Maybe the typical mania spending have a real meaning and purpose. Some meaning that we sometimes forget when we exit this state. The psychiatrist might have realized how important it was for her to be amongst her friends. I know I bought some symbolic gifts to my family disregarding the cost. And things for myself that seemed to give me strong messages.
As if you only care about doing what feel best from your heart at every moment. Not having to always calculate how your future status might be affected by what you choose to do at every moment. Does that resemble the world of a small child? It sure feels good.
Are we not wisely instructed not to worry about tomorrow?

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