22 June 2009
19 June 2009
16 June 2009
Thu, 05/14/2009 - 11:24 — marylo
will you make it snow?
Edited June 13:
When I wrote this post a month ago I was in a manic state and seeing important signs and deciphering things everywhere.
When I was visiting DAVINCINATION I suddenly saw that the Firefox head and all the tab labels had changed colour from the customary gray to a beautiful sky blue (which lasted only for a few days).
One of my rhymes came to my mind:
I craved another miracle for all mankind.
Some wonders of it all we then might find.
Light snow should fall on every land,
each snowflake as different as every hand.
I immediately connected everything like this:
Some of you at DAVINCINATION had read my rhyme and had the fantastic idea of creating a light snowfall on all web browser heads in every land. You had started with the sky blue and was working on the computer creation of around 13,6 billion different snowflakes (one for every hand).
I don't remember why the post was titled Are you move? I started writing something else, but a spelling error took on some hidden meaning and it came out that way.
I was immensely happy. Then disappointed when nothing was "true".
Now the "idea" itself makes me happy.
15 June 2009
Many people have asked about the meaning of our name. 'Baidu' was inspired by a poem written more than 800 years ago during the Song Dynasty. The poem compared the search for a retreating beauty amid chaotic glamour with the search for one's dream while confronted by life's many obstacles. '...hundreds and thousands of times, for her I searched in chaos, suddenly, I turned by chance, to where the lights were waning, and there she stood.' (Chinese: 众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处) Baidu, whose literal meaning is hundreds of times, represents persistent search for the ideal.
http://www.wahome.ru/home Russia
http://guruji.com/ India
http://www.uaenic.ae/english/index.jsp (216.uaenic.ae doesn't exist any longer?) United Arab Emirates Network Information Center (week 13. 2009)
14 June 2009

In 1904 the first tower, erected here by Vauban, was designated a national monument. The current lighthouse, on the same site has a range of 50 km and is one of the highest and most powerful in France. Climb the 257 steps to an incomparable view of the island and the ocean.
The lighthouse is active, and visitable, all year round and a new museum is under construction.
Guided tours possible in July and August (by arrangement for groups).
Le phare des Baleines
155, allée du Phare
Tel. 05 46 29 18 23
13 June 2009
10 June 2009
Popular sayings about the intuitive and intelligent aspects of the human heart like “follow your heart” have long been considered to be strictly metaphorical, but scientific studies show that the heart is more than just a mass of muscle cells pumping blood throughout the body.
The heart is in constant communication with the body and brain using neurons, biochemicals, blood pressure waves and electricity, and has its own independent nervous system, and therefore, the heart has a much greater impact on information processing, perceptions, emotions and health than was ever acknowledged in the past.
In the early 1990s, the “heart-brain” concept was introduced by Dr. J. Andrew Amour and became a pivotal part of medical science’s newest discipline — neurocardiology.
Amour’s research looked at the heart’s complex network of neurotransmitters, support cells and proteins, and determined it was a nervous system that was similar enough to the brain itself to qualify as a “little brain.”
Turning now to the Bible, Strong’s Concordance lists over 700 references to “heart” in the Old and New Testaments. From the New Testament (KJV), here are just six examples which speak of the heart having properties we normally ascribe to the brain:
“Out of the heart the mouth speaketh….” Matthew 12:34
“and should understand with their heart….” Mt 13:15
“evil servant shall say in his heart…” Mt 24:48
“the thought of their heart….” Luke 9:47
“thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost…..” Acts 5:3
“believest with all thy heart….” Acts 8:37.
06 June 2009
Gryning över Kalahari : hur människan blev människa
05 June 2009
04 June 2009
You can start me up
You can start me up
I'll never stop.
You can start me up
. . .
I've been running hot
You got me just about to blow my top.
You can start me up
you can start me up
I never stop
never stop
never stop
never stop.
You make a grown man cry
You make a grown man cry
You make a grown man cry.
Spread out the oil
the gasoline
I walk smooth
Ride in a mean
mean machine - start it up.
Start me up - kick on the starter
Give it all you got
you got
you got.
I can't compete with your riders in the other heats -
You rough it up. - If you like it up
I can slide it up
slide it up
slide it up
slide it up.
Don't make a grown man cry
Don't make a grown man cry
Don't make a grown man cry.
My eyes dilate
my lips go green
my hands are greasy
She's a mean
mean machine. - Start it up.
Start me up
and you've got to
You've got to never
never stop.
Start it up now
start it up
start it up
Start and never
You make a grown man cry
. . .
Ride like the wind
at double speed
I'll take you places that you've never
never seen.
Start it up - love the day when we'll never stop.
Never stop
never stop.
Tough me up
never stop
never stop.
you make a grown man cry
you make a grown man cry
you make a grown man cry
03 June 2009

Norway has a medieval leaf crown as a charge because of the county's connection with an ancient royal dynasty.
02 June 2009
I knew the bottom wasn't there,
Nor legs nor back, but I just sat,
Ignoring little things like that.
~Hughes Mearns
his ideas, about encouraging the natural creativity of children, particularly those age 3 through 8, were novel at the time. It has been written about him that, "He typed notes of their conversations; he learned how to make them forget there was an adult around; never asked them questions and never showed surprise no matter what they did or said."
- I Ride in My Coach (illustrated by W.T. Schwarz) 1923
- Lions in the Way 1927
- Richard Richard (illustrated by Ralph L. Boyer) 1916
- Vinegar Saint (illustrated by Ralph L. Boyer) 1919
Fleur-de-Lis Also called Lily of France, it was first an adaptation of the Gaulish lily representing the Virgin Juno. Among goddess worshippers, it apparently had several meanings, including the Triple Goddess. It appeared in Arthurian legends as well as on the French (and other national) "coat-of-arms" and royal or military emblems. It has also been an emblem for the Boy Scouts.
The anchor form, based on

Velvet by Savoy? (also Aha)
Her skin is like velvet
Her face out from stone
Her eyes when she's smiling
Will never reach home
But hear how she sings
Her touch would be tender
Her lips would be warm
But when we're together
I'm always alone
But hear how she sings
Her skin is like velvet...
So I went to her home
Her place, like a palace
With things you can't own
Her skin is like velvet
And hear how she sings
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- to no availmadcapVelvet by Savoy? (also Aha) Her s...