This collection of quotes is being compiled by Lo Snöfall

28 May 2012

Svartek eller sjödränkt ek är en typ av virke (ek) som legat sjödränkt eller begravd i jord under en längre period och därför fått en karakteristisk svart färg.

Ett parti sjödränkt ek - svartek - som är 5200 år gammal.
Du får vid köp ett numrerat intyg från Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet som visar kol-14-analysen.

Stockarna har legat i en myr på Hallandsåsen.


Universe Flag...

"I read somewhere that if you averaged all the colors of the stars and galaxies everywhere, you'd end up with a sort of beige or warm white color. I coupled that with an infinity symbol (hair scrunchie) to make this flag for everywhere." Sea Moon

Some things I do not understand:
"As you accumulate space, the weight of the space compresses the volume of the same, and that is what time is. More space = less time. m × c² = E"
Mark Cidade Space has mass (via the Higgs field) and when you add space to space, it gets squished. That's why you can't traverse more than 299,792,458 metres in a second. The more distance you cover in less time, the more weight is added to space (via inertial compression) and so it takes more time to do anything since there is LESS (temporal dialation).

  • Mark Cidade If you have 5 acres of land in one field and 5 in another lot, that makes 10 acres total. Now if you smush them together into the same land, you will have less than 10.

    Dark matter and energy is a joke. I know why the galaxies stay together and the universe is flying apart. It's the SPACE that makes the stars so heavy and it's the TIME that flies away from us at faster than the speed of light so that we can't ever make up for it!

    It IS due for a paradigm shift. It's called common sense sciense!
    Take your time. I'll give you some space : D

    am thinking about something about love. It consists of the right amount of ATTRACTION and RETRACTION in order to exist.
    Otherwise what? (Some wording changed. Repulsion to retraction. June 6th in 2012)
    The wood (wooden boat) that separates air from water.
    Spirals within spirals at a certain distance from the cores.
    From a cross section they are like E8s?
    The cores are time?
    Everything pendles between too much and too little.
    Try to keep the extremes as close to the core to keep the best track.
    In a binary way.

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